How Generative AI Can Augment Human Creativity

The aim in biomimicry is to produce solutions that are based on biological processes and strike a balance with nature. This week we will explore the principles of biomimicry, look at some case studies that are based on inspiration from nature, as well as applying some of the principles in examples. While serving as inspiration is one role AI can play in the creative process, it can also help with more mundane tasks, especially in the digital domain where much of the behind-the-scenes work is far from glamorous. By specifying teaching parameters for creativity, artists have gone as far as using AI to design sculptures and create paintings that mimic great works of art. For example, using the style transfer technique, artists can “teach” AI algorithms by showing them pictures of a style of painting like Impressionism to transpose photos and video to the same style.

AI is being used by content creators and marketers to produce media and entertainment content, and to make important creative decisions. For example, AI is being used to create news stories, to produce personalized ads, and to make film production and green lighting decisions. A powerful way dance choreographers have been able to break out of their regular patterns is to use artificial intelligence as a collaborator.

Instead, we should be focusing on how the technology can enhance creative work. It can augment the creativity of employees and customers and help them generate and identify novel ideas as well as improve the quality of raw ideas. In the past two decades, companies have used crowdsourcing and idea competitions to involve outsiders in the innovation process. They’ve lacked an efficient way to evaluate AI vs human the ideas, for instance, or to synthesize different ideas. One side argues for individual responsibility and the other for government responsibility to tackle the issue, and have them present their solutions to the class. As a fun final activity, they could even ask the chatbot to choose the best solution to the problem and discuss why the answer was the same as their own, or different.

  • Critical thinking skills are essential in today’s rapidly changing world, and AI can play a significant role in fostering these abilities.
  • As a fun final activity, they could even ask the chatbot to choose the best solution to the problem and discuss why the answer was the same as their own, or different.
  • He and his partners used the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, a well-known tool used for decades to assess human creativity.
  • For example, using the style transfer technique, artists can “teach” AI algorithms by showing them pictures of a style of painting like Impressionism to transpose photos and video to the same style.

Their first major finding is that humans are not very good at knowing when they should delegate decisions to AI. As a consequence, they can end up relying on an AI tool even when it recommends the wrong path. When making such mistakes, a team of humans that uses an AI tool can perform worse than a team that doesn’t. Algorithms can read recipes and create images of what the final dish will look like.

« Some of the responses were novel and surprising. That’s when we decided to put it to the test to see how creative it really is. » The AI application was in the top percentile for fluency — the ability to generate a large volume of ideas — and for originality — the ability to come up with new ideas. The AI slipped a bit — to the 97th percentile — for flexibility, the ability to generate different types and categories of ideas. But hold on, can a machine truly understand the soul of a poem or the emotion in a painting? While AI can mimic and even innovate, there’s a debate about whether it can truly “feel” creativity. Machines don’t feel or understand our values, so there are times when human judgment must take the driver’s seat.

The researchers believe these findings indicate AI’s emerging capability to match or surpass human creative abilities. While all this won’t mean the end of human input (existing teams may likely become more efficient), the outcomes delivered by AI will nevertheless change everything about digital advertising. Notably, the biggest, and most valuable change for digital advertisers will be in the arena of creativity and optimizing it to achieve the best possible business outcomes. Brands must then make a clear distinction between the AI-driven applications that are needed in-house versus those that could be delivered through third-party vendors. The appropriate level of investment in data science resources will be a critical decision as many have not addressed this thus far.

AI creative thinking

« We just presented the results. But we shared strong evidence that AI seems to be developing creative ability on par with or even exceeding human ability. » New research from the University of Montana and its partners suggests artificial intelligence can match the top 1% of human thinkers on a standard test for creativity. This exciting new world of problem-solving through AI is like a thrilling ride that’s part science, part art. Together, we’re breaking barriers, but also learning that machines, while powerful, have their limits. Experts point out that teaching computers to be creative is inherently different from the way humans learn to create, although there’s still much we don’t yet know about our own creative methodology. AI’s role in Morgan, and numerous other creative endeavors, shows how far AI has come.

Over the three modules you have learned about some of the fundamentals of creativity along with several approaches to creativity and tools to augment innate creativity. This week we will look at the use of the creativity diamond in practice to aid in the selection of approach to creativity relevant to your project or activity. These capabilities aren’t just relevant to fine art. “I see the whole creative industry from film to advertising and marketing using these tools to test out new ideas and accelerate prototypes,” says Toy. It might be music or painting or dance, but also the flash of inspiration that helps lead to advances on the order of light bulbs and airplanes and the periodic table. In the view of many in the computational creativity field, it is not yet attainable by machines.

While this debate will likely continue for some time, it’s clear that as digital content and delivery platforms continue infiltrating all forms of media and expression, the role of AI will undoubtedly expand. The sophistication of artificial intelligence (AI) software is giving rise to a healthy debate about human creativity v machine creativity. It’s a question that scholar Elaine Rich tackled in Computers and the Humanities.

As the world of AI and human creativity continue to expand, it’s time to stop worrying about if AI can be creative, but how the human and machine world can intersect for creative collaborations that have never been dreamt of before. In 2016, the IBM Watson cognitive platform was used for the first ever AI-created movie trailer for 20th Century Fox’s horror flick, Morgan. Led by John Smith, IBM Fellow and Manager of Multimedia and Vision at IBM Research, the project had Watson analyze the visuals, sound and composition of hundreds of existing horror film trailers. Watson then selected scenes from the completed Morgan movie for editors to patch together into the trailer—ultimately reducing what could be a weeks-long process to one day. But many in the field, as well as onlookers, wondered if these AIs really showed creativity. Though sophisticated in their mimicry, these creative AIs seemed incapable of true innovation because they lacked the capacity to incorporate new influences from their environment.

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