Catégorie : Sober living
Sober Living Homes Boston, Sober living community near me
Boston Sober Homes is a M.A.S.H certified sober housing company for those who are serious about their recovery and sobriety. Our mission is to provide clean, comfortable accommodations in a positive environment for those looking to live a …
The Dangers Of Mixing Alcohol And Weed
This is a dangerous condition characterized by symptoms such as rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, fever, and seizures. Context of co-use is another characteristic that may impact alcohol-related outcomes. A large body of literature has examined the …
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Alcoholic Parents, and Later Risk of Alcoholism and Depression Psychiatric Services
If you or anyone you know is undergoing a severe health crisis, call a doctor or 911 immediately. The full list of characteristics can be found in the Laundry List, the 14 common traits of adult children, which was …
7 Tips for Staying Sober at a Party
Jeffrey Hustito decided to seek treatment in Phoenix based on a recommendation from friends at Zuni Pueblo. In the fall of 2021, he entered a program paid for by Medicaid that offered a room at a sober living …
What Does Sober Mean? Details on Alcohol-Free Living
In the UK there are trends and shifts in our drinking culture – the new grape blend, the latest cocktail, the best bars or pubs. Our culture has been steeped in alcohol for centuries, and our tendency to …
Is It Narcissism or Alcoholism?
It is common for narcissistic narcissistic alcoholic mother mothers to compete with their children, especially their own daughters. The narcissistic mother is likely to overvalue her own looks and sexual prowess. Female narcissists exhibit internalized misogyny and often …
Love Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, Coping, Therapy
Psychotherapist Jodi White has a podcast called “Journals of a Love Addict,“ which explores her own experiences of codependency. You can also check out Co-Dependents Anonymous if you want to learn more about codependency and codependent relationships. The …
What Is Love Addiction?
Your enabling behaviors toward the addict may be helping to keep you busy and to fill up your life so that you don’t have to see how lonely and empty you are feeling inside. But lust can also …
Alcohol dependence Wikipedia
Alcohol exerts various effects on our CNS in various ways, the common ones being depression of the CNS, destruction of the brain cells, contraction of the tissues of the brain, suppression of the excitatory nerve pathway activity, neuronal …
Drug abuse in athletes PMC
The abuse or misuse of EPO can also trigger serious autoimmune diseases, causing the body’s immune system to attack healthy cells. Blood doping through transfusions also increases the risk of infectious disease, such as HIV/AIDS or hepatitis, which …