What is Career Guidance and Support?

A career guidance system can assist people with a range of issues related to their careers. These include helping people choose different career paths, identify the best educational qualifications and the required training for specific jobs, and help those who are seeking to change careers or jobs. This includes assistance with job searches and guidance on how to build skills for those already working in a particular field.

The process of guidance and support for your career begins with the assessment of individual needs. This may involve an assessment of the strengths and abilities that an individual is able to demonstrate, and may also consider their personal characteristics and interests. It can also assist individuals understand the career path options that are available to them and compare them to their personal preferences, abilities and goals.

People who seek guidance for their career and support often do so because they want to change their career path or climb higher up the ladder. It could be that they’re bored at their current work, or because they feel that they’re qualified enough to find a job, but cannot find one.

For people who are contemplating changing jobs, a career counselor can assist in identifying their transferable abilities and review several job descriptions to find a suitable role. They can assist in the preparation for interviews and training, such as mock interviews and ‘work simulations’, to allow people to explore different career options before deciding.


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